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Most Expensive Bird Ever Sold at Auction at $1.9 Million

Expensive Pigeon

What amount would you pay for a bird? Not an extraordinary or a fancy bird, like a pigeon. What amount would you pay for a pigeon?

Expensive Racing Pigeon

New Kim, a Belgian sports bird, set a sale standard after an offering battle between two Chinese buyers.

Racing Pigeon

New Kim, a 2-year-old female sports pigeon, was sold at a record price of $1.9 million.

Racing Pigeon

In the pigeon world, breeding brings lots of money — yet never before as much with respect to New Kim.

Racing Pigeon

New Kim, as per Nikolaas Gyselbrecht, the founder of PIPA, had two qualifications that assisted her with arriving at such an extravagantly value: “Performed as the best bird in Belgium in 2018,”  and she was among the last birds to be raised by Gaston Van de Wouwer, a famous breeder.
